From Production to Application:
25./26. November 2025
Frankfurt/M, Germany
Kap Europa
Osloer Str. 5
60327 Frankfurt/Main

Two-day-conference | expert presentations focused on practical, technical challenges | specialists in dialogue | from industry professionals, for industry professionals | networking space | 25./26.11.2025, Frankfurt/M
Speakers in 2024 came from these companies:

From Production to Application: The #P2X Conference stands out by focusing on engineering practice. It delves into the technical challenges faced in specific projects and explores ways to overcome them. Attendees can learn valuable lessons from various projects, understand mistakes made, and discover how to avoid them. From Production to Application: The #P2X Conference is the ideal platform to engage with international P2X experts. You’ll gain access to the latest firsthand information, meet renowned specialists from across the entire value chain, make new contacts, and generate fresh ideas.
Electrolysis and other production pathways for hydrogen | syntheses for eFuels and other hydrogen derivatives, including ammonia and methanol | challenges in construction and operation of plants producing or working with hydrogen or its derivatives | transport, storage, and logistics of P2X products | safety-related issues | direct use of P2X products in process industries, chemistry, steelmaking, heating solutions, on- and off-road drives, and ship propulsion | technical-economic assessment of supply chains and their business cases in a national and international context

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Tickets available from March
Click to learn more about VDMA Power-to-X for Applications

Supported by
VDMA Power-to-X for Applications
Organized by
VDMA Services GmbH
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
+49 69 6603-0
+49 69 6603-1511
DieselNet is the central online information resource on internal combustion engines, energy and fuels, emissions, emission control, measurement, and related matters. DieselNet provides information to thousands of engineers, business managers, researchers, students and engine users:
- Technology & industry news and a monthly DieselNet Update newsletter
- Technical reference papers on engines and emissions
- Worldwide emission standards and fuel regulations
- Directory of engine and emission products and services
energate messenger english edition
The energate messenger english edition provides the most essential news and background information on the German and European energy markets in a daily e-mail newsletter and on the website. In addition, the reader has access to an archive with more than 22.000 articles on energyrelated news. The topics range from market & companies, politics, electricity, gas & heat to trends in technology and mobility. The energate messenger english edition is published by energate, the leading specialist media company in the DACH energy-market area. The editorial team consists of around 20 energy journalists who cover the sector in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Austria. Get a free 30-day trial subscription for the energate messenger english edition on!
energate messenger+
Der energate messenger+ informiert als führendes tägliches Fachmedium über die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Energiemarkt. Der unabhängige und digitale Dienst liefert Abonnenten verlässlich die relevanten Nachrichten aus der gesamten Branche sowie vertiefende Informationen zu Schwerpunktthemen. Exklusive Meldungen aus der größten Energieredaktion Deutschlands ermöglichen Lesern einen Wissensvorsprung gegenüber Kunden und Geschäftspartnern. Individuell wählbare Add-ons zu den Kategorien Strom, Gas & Wärme, Neue Märkte & Technologien sowie Österreich bieten Interviews, Gastkommentare und Marktberichte. Mit über 120.000 Meldungen ist das Nachrichtenarchiv des energate messenger+ zudem einzigartig am deutschsprachigen Energiemarkt. Jetzt kostenlos testen:!
Eurogas is an association of 70 companies and associations across 24 countries, spanning the entire length of the gas value chain. Our members cover wholesale and retail gas markets, and the distribution of natural gas, biomethane and hydrogen. We also work with companies active on gases for vehicles, and on value chain methane emissions management. Eurogas accelerates the transition to climate neutrality through dialogue and advocacy on optimising the use of gases.
CO2 Value Europe
CO2 Value Europe (CVE) is an international and non-profit association founded in November 2017 building on the results and the enthusiasm generated by the EU FP7-funded project SCOT (Smart CO2 Transformation).
Within a few years, CVE has become the legitimate representative of the Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) community in Europe. The association attracted over 70 pioneer members covering the entire CO2 value chain (incl. industries, research organisation and universities, start-ups and regional clusters), and developed a vast network of many more organisations and individuals who share the belief that CCU technologies are necessary to help the EU reach climate targets, especially for the hard-to-abate sectors.
An international congress which brings together leading French and international decision-makers
The development of carbon-free hydrogen addresses environmental technological and economic concerns. The time has come to accelerate the green transition, be less dependent on imports of hydrocarbons and capitalize on one’s technological strengths.
International Maritime Journal has been one of the leading trade journals for the maritime industry for 157 years. This makes it the oldest trade journal of its kind in Germany and Europe. Founded in 1864 as the “Zeitschrift für deutsches Seewesen”, it has been continuously developed into a magazine over the years and informs decision-makers in the industry monthly about all developments and trends in shipping, shipbuilding, in ports and on waterways or in the offshore sector. With a widespread circulation of 3,787 copies (IVW 3rd quarter 2020, print and ePaper), HANSA International Maritime Journal is the established maritime trade journal. HANSA International Maritime Journal is characterised by independent reporting. In-depth knowledge of the market and of the players is the basis for the high-quality and professional reporting of the editorial staff.
HANSA International Maritime Journal covers all topics relating to the maritime economy: Shipping | Ship Technology | Ports | Offshore | Financing | Markets | Insurance
Schiff&Hafen and ShipOffshore
With the monthly maritime publication Schiff&Hafen and the English-language international magazine Ship&Offshore, DVV Media Group offers a product family presenting specialist information on marine and offshore technologies for the global maritime market. The magazines address current trends and innovative developments of all areas of the maritime sector. Comprehensive technical articles on shipbuilding – with a special focus on technical outfitting and propulsion -, the shipping industry and offshore technology are complemented by latest news on orders and deliveries.
H2 weekly
H2Weekly is the weekly e-paper on the topic of hydrogen.
H2Weekly offers a compact and comprehensive overview of the political framework, financing and regulation, production and supply up to application as well as the dynamic development in the future use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. The section „Use and Application“ looks at both industrial consumers and applications in mobility – from studies and projects to initial implementations and practical experience. News and reports on the development of the markets, on the players involved, on science as well as event dates complete the editorial range.
EEK – Technology & transformation of fossil and green energies
EEK provides its readers in the energy industry in Germany, Europe and worldwide with high-quality information in German and English on the fields of oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, hydrocarbon conversion, hydrogen and deep geothermal energy with international distribution. The range of topics covered by the magazines include technical and scientific articles on exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas (on- and offshore), processing and application of mineral oil or mineral oil products including petrochemistry as well as topics on the conversion of carbon carriers. These topics include the storage and transport of hydrocarbons, pipeline and plant engineering as well as analytics. Contributions from related or related fields of work and expertise such as maintenance, occupational safety, environmental protection, hydrogen and geothermal energy production (deep geothermal energy) are also considered.
the leading German-language business newspaper for the management in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, supplies executives and experts with information to assist them in decision-making. Latest news, insightful interviews, substantiated market reports and technical articles provide readers with a headstart on crucial information 12 times per year. TheCHEManager brand family is complemented by English-language special-topic issues under the CHEManager International brand (4 issues per year), the bilingual B2B online portal providing daily news, as well as a weekly bilingual newsletters.
HZwei Magazin
Hzwei, the magazine for hydrogen and fuel cells – published by Hydrogeit Verlag with news from the industry. It is offered in printed and digital versions.
Save The Date
and be part of THE #P2X CONFERENCE 2025
25. / 26. November 2025