From Production to Application: THE #P2X CONFERENCE is back! This year, it will take place in Frankfurt on 26 and 27 November 2024. It will be focusing on engineering practice: What are the technical challenges in specific projects and how can they be overcome? What lessons can be learned from a project, what mistakes might be avoided and how?
We are currently working on the program, which will develop dynamically over the coming months. Expect a two-day event with ~40 expert presentations on practical, technical challenges, focusing on the following key topics.
A detailed preview of the programme can be found below.
DAY 1 | Tuesday, 26.11.
moderated by Sebastian Hillebrand | Conference language: English
Kap Europa, Osloer Str. 5, 60327 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Time frame: 9:00 Welcome and introduction | Lunch | Networking breaks | approx. 17:00 Conclusion of the event | 19:00 Get together dinner (subject to change)
Opening, Introduction and Welcoming
- Sebastian Hillebrand
- Peter Müller-Baum
- Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner
Session Production Technology
- Bosch: tba
- Air Liquide, Dr. Armin Günther: New technologies for production: CO2 as future feedstock – The role of hydrogen and CO2 in energy transition & decarbonisation
- Elogen, Carsten Krause: Elogen stack gigafactory and the scaling of technology, production and projects as an example of a successful IPCEI project
- Accelera, Christoph Zahn: Scaling up manufacturing and operational efficiency through standardization
- Bosal, Ted Straten: SOFC and SOEC hot balance of plant systems / From prototype & proof of concept to reliable serial design & robust mass production processes
- Emerson, Arthur Gosling: Leveraging process control system architecture for hydrogen assets
Session Production Technology
- Bloom, Dr. Steffen Wieland: High-temperature electrochemistry and its advantages in hydrogen and power generation
- Clariant, Dr. Rene Eckert: State of the art catalysts to tackle the challenges of ammonia cracking
- AVL, Jürgen Rechberger: Innovative technologies for highly efficient power-to-liquid plants
- Freudenberg, Dr. Manfred Stefener: Technical expertise meets power to industrialize
Session Plant Operations
- Hy2Gen, Matthias Lisson: Atlantis: Experience from an operating plant
- HyCenta, Thomas Stöhr: CFD-based explosion hazard evaluation for the PEM electrolyser application case
- Synhelion, Dr. Philipp Good: Turning sunlight into fuel. The DAWN of solar fuels
- MAN: tba
Get Together & Dinner
Networking dinner at the conference center
DAY 2 | Wednesday, 27.11.
moderated by Sebastian Hillebrand | Conference language: English
Kap Europa, Osloer Str. 5, 60327 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Time frame: 8:30 Welcome and introduction | Lunch | Networking breaks | approx. 16:00 Conclusion of the event
Welcome & Meet the Speaker
Plenum Session
- thyssenkrupp Uhde, Dr. Christian Renk: Ammonia cracking – The key to a sustainable hydrogen economy
Pecha Kucha: Start-ups & Beyond
- WEW: tba
- Ostermeier, Dr. Markus Ostermeier: Year-round energy autonomy with hydrogen
- Stoff2: tba
Parallel Session
Ecosystem & Infrastructure
- ABB / Cytok, Martin Weiss & Manfred Wörl: The potential of eFuel production in energy factories
- Heraeus, Steffen Kitzing: Circularity for PEM technologies – The past, the now and the future
- Versiv, Frank Sonnenschein: Substrates for CCM coating using decal transfer method
H2 & derivates application
- Rolls Royce, Dr. Daniel Chatterjee: ICE as an enabler for a greener energy future
- EDL Anlagenbau, Dr. Michael Haid: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable aviation
- IAV, Paul Reinicke: Evaluation of methanol as potential future fuel for clean and highly efficient internal combustion engines
Parallel Session
Ecosystem & Infrastructure
- GP Joule, Jörg Starr: Smart control in green hydrogen ecosystems
- Ramboll, Alexander Kotschi: How can we accelerate the build-up of hydrogen production in Europe?
- FEST, Christian Perplies: Lean execution excellence for integrated hydrogen plants
H2 & derivates application
- Tractebel, Sven Goethals: Bio methane generation coupling with green e-kerosene
- Siemens Energy, Mario Hüffer: Integrated electrolyzer and heat pump solution
- Aucotec, Niclas Meier & Dr. Henry Bloch: The value of a digital twins along P2X value chains
Plenum Session
- Fraunhofer FIT + Neuman&Esser, Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Buhl & Christian Kehren: Challenges & opportunities of decentralized hydrogen electrolysis in Germany – An electricity procurement portfolio optimization approach
- Andritz Oy, Dr. Thomas Kohl: Andritz value engineering for an integrated e-methanol plant
- FEV, Dr. Daniel Neumann: The viability of EU´s net-zero ambitions
Wrap Up
- Sebastian Hillebrand
- Peter Müller-Baum
- Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner
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Supported by
VDMA Power-to-X for Applications
Organized by
VDMA Services GmbH
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
+49 69 6603-0
+49 69 6603-1511
PechaKucha presentation
PechaKucha, which is Japanese for „the sound of conversation“, was first conceived by Tokyo architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. PechaKucha presentations are based on a 20 x 20 principle: 20 slides are presented, each slide lasts for 20 seconds, the slides are automatically advanced.
Due to this strict timing, each PechaKucha presentation lasts exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds. PechaKucha slides usually use images, rarely many words. Presenters must know what to say without looking at the slides. A presenter can reasonably speak 2 to 4 sentences or 33 words in 20 seconds.
Dr. Henry Bloch
Head of Product Management, AUCOTEC, Isernhagen – Germany
Henry Bloch holds a PhD in Modularization in Plant Engineering and started his professional career as the CEO of Semodia, a company that provides modularization for the process industry. After more than three years, Henry joined AUCOTEC at the beginning of 2023 as Product Manager Plants. Since the start of the latest fiscal year, Henry Bloch has been the overall Head of the Product Management department at AUCOTEC.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Ulrich Buhl
HFounder & Advisor FIM Research Center, Fraunhofer FIT, Augsburg – Germany
As part of the Kopernikus project SynErgie, Prof. Buhl has headed the cluster „Market and Electricity System“ since 2016 and was deputy head of the cluster „Energy Flexible Model Region Augsburg“. In the years 2023 – 2026 he is responsible for the strand flexibility marketing as well as for the model region Augsburg. Within the SynErgie project, Prof. Buhl is also responsible for the link to the hydrogen economy. Prof. Buhl is an advisor on the scientific advisory board of the VDMA’s Power-to-X for Applications working group. In parallel to this role, he also manages industrial projects on the topic of hydrogen at the FIM Research Institute and the Business Informatics Division of the Fraunhofer FIT.
From 1976 to 1981 Prof. Buhl studied Industrial Engineering, Computer Science and Operations Research at the University of Karlsruhe and Industrial Engineering & Operations Research at the University of California at Berkeley, USA. 1980 he finished as Master of Science in Berkeley and 1981 he successfully got his diploma as an Industrial Engineer from KIT/University of Karlsruhe. In 1982 he received his Dr. and in 1985 his Postdoctoral qualification (PD Dr. rer. pol. habil.) at the KIT/University of Karlsruhe for his work on applying dynamic optimization to economics and to business problems. Before his first appointment in 1990 as chair at the Justus Liebig University Gießen, Prof. Buhl gained practical experience from 1984 to 1990 at IBM Germany. From 1994 to 2021, he held a chair at the University of Augsburg. In addition, Prof. Buhl was chairman of the board for the Elite Graduate Program Finance & Information Management of the Technical University of Munich and the Universities of Augsburg and Bayreuth.
In 2001 he started the Research Center Finance & Information Management (FIM) funded by the Bavarian State Department and in 2011 the Group Business & Information Systems Engineering of Fraunhofer FIT. Today, FIM/FIT is well established with more than 250 scientific employees in Augsburg, Bayreuth, Frankfurt, Luxemburg, Munich and Stuttgart. He continues to be closely associated with both institutions.
Dr. Daniel Chatterjee
Director Corporate Sustainability (ESG), Technology Management and Regulatory Affairs, Rolls-Royce Solutions, Friedrichshafen – Germany
Dr. Daniel Chatterjee leads Corporate Sustainability (ESG), Technology Strategy and Regulatory Affairs at Royce Power Systems, one of the leading companies in maritime propulsion, infrastructure and distributed energy solutions. He studied physics and holds a doctorate in physical chemistry. In addition to his role at Rolls-Royce, Dr. Chatterjee is Chairman of the VDMA „Climate and Energy Policy“ Committee. In addition, he is a member of the BDI Executive Board „Energy and Climate Policy“, member of the board of EUROMOT and CIMAC.
Sven Goethals
Commercial Director Hydrogen & Decarbonization, Tractebel, Brussels – Belgium
Sven is Tractebel’s Commercial Director of Hydrogen and Decarbonization. Passionate about overcoming the challenges of the energy transition, Sven is focusing on bringing to life large-scale hydrogen and decarbonization projects.
Arthur Gosling
Director, Strategic Sales & Sustainability, Emerson, Karlsruhe – Germany
As the Director Strategic Sales & Sustainability at Emerson, I lead a Team to drive forward industrial automation projects with customers in the fields traditional chemicals production assets as well as innovative hydrogen, carbon capture, alternative fuels, and renewables projects. With just under 10 years of experience in process and industrial automation, I have a strong background in chemical engineering, strategic planning, and global business development.
I am Chemical Engineer from the University of Illinois and a IESE Business School MBA graduate. I am passionate about innovation and collaboration, and I continuously look for growth opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills in the fields of technology, strategy, and execution. My mission is to make the future through sustainable and efficient solutions that benefit the environment, society, and industry.
Dr. Philipp Good
Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Synhelion, Zurich – Switzerland
Dr. Philipp Good is the Chief Technology Officer of Synhelion. Philipp performed his PhD research in Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich in close collaboration with a concentrated solar power company. He joined Synhelion in 2017. Philipp has more than ten years of experience in the design, modelling, engineering, and experimental testing of high-temperature solar receivers and the optical alignment, characterization, and operation of solar concentrators.
Dr. Armin Günther
Director New Technologies and Energy Transition, Air Liquide Global E&C Soltutions Germany GmbH
Armin Günther studied chemistry at Goethe University Frankfurt, worked at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) in Bologna, received his doctorate in chemistry in Frankfurt and worked in atmospheric research. He headed the department for project management and renewable energies of an engineering company and was responsible for national and international projects in traditional plant construction and renewable energies. At LURGI AG he held various functions and positions such as Director Market Group Renewables and e.g. Director Innovation & Development and Director High Temperature Center (HTC) at Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions. He is an international technical expert for the Air Liquide Group and currently holds the position of Director New Technologies & Energy Transition.
Dr. Michael Haid
Chief Executive Officer, EDL Anlagenbau Gesellschaft mbH – Germany
Michael Haid has been Chief Executive Officer of EDL since 2015. His responsibilities include strategy, technology, sales and commercial.
Michael’s top priorities are the development and provision of sustainable technologies, products and services for the refining and hydrocarbon-processing industries, including residue processing, Power-to-X, plastics-to-oil and lubes, greases and waxes.
He held various engineering and management positions in different engineering and contracting companies worldwide.
Michael studied process engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany and in Auckland, New Zealand and holds a PhD in process engineering.
- More than 30 years of experience and technical expertise in project and contract management, engineering
- Technology development in the field of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and PtX
Mario Hüffer
Sales Director Hybrid Solutions, Siemens Energy, Erlangen – Germany
Mario Hüffer started his career in 2006 at Siemens Energy. He worked mainly in Sales & Business Development and also spent ~6 years in Singapore as Senior Sales Director for Large gas Turbine Packages for Asia Pacific. He holds a degree in industrial engineering and business administration.
Christian Kehren
Program Manager Application Engineering H2 & Circular, NEUMAN & ESSER, Übach-Palenberg – Germany
Christian Kehren started his career in 2013 in the automotive industry at the company FEV in Aachen, Germany, after he finished his university degrees in mechanical engineering and economics at the RWTH Aachen. He worked as project manager and team leader in different disciplines. In 2023, he joined NEUMAN & ESSER and is responsible for integrated solution along the H2 value chain.
Steffen Kitzing
Global Head of Sales, Hydrogen Systems, Heraeus Precious Metals, Hanau – Germany
Steffen Kitzing has been active in the precious metal industry for more than 10 years. He holds a diploma in Industrial Engineering, started his professional career in 2011 and joined Heraeus in 2013. He has gained experience in various commercial functions, including heading the sales activities for precious metals recycling in the EMEA and APAC regions for the last four years. In this function he built up a network with the Hydrogen industry and its PGM waste streams for recovery.
Dr. Thomas Kohl
Technology Director, E-Fuel, Andritz, Helsinki – Finnland
Thomas Kohl graduated as MSc in Environmental Technology in 2004 (Univ. of Stuttgart). He pursued an academic career at Aalto University from where he graduated as Dr. Tech. (Energy Technology). During his time at Neste Corp 2018-2023. he was involved in technology scouting and evaluation before he lead the technology concept development for municipal solid waste to SAF. In his current position at Andritz he is responsible for the concept development of Andritz E-fuel offerings.
Alexander Kotschi
Country Market Director Energy, Ramboll’s, Nürnberg – Germany
Alexander Kotschi is heading Ramboll’s German Energy business with the mission to build up the complete Ramboll Energy portfolio in Germany. A strong focus there are medium to large size hydrogen plants and infrastructure, from studies through FEED to EPCM services.
Alexander started May 1st, 2022 with Ramboll. Prior to that he was for more than 30 years with Siemens and Siemens Energy. There he built up Key Account Management for the largest Power Utilities in Europe for the entire energy portfolio and has later led the unit globally. During that time, he has together with his team consulted customers in many countries in their sustainability strategies and supported them in the implementation of projects in renewable energies and around energy transition. Earlier in his career he held several leadership positions in Siemens’ large power generation plant business as well as in their Oil & Gas business.
Alexander studied Business Management and has a diploma from the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Carsten Krause
Managing Director, Elogen GmbH, Cologne – Germany
- Since 2014 Managing Director at Elogen GmbH, Cologne
- Since 2002 founder and Project Manager HyCologne Wasserstoff Region Rheinland
- 1998 to 2014 Managing Director at ST@RT HÜRTH Technology and Start Up Center
- 1995 to 1997 Assistant to the Managing Director ETEC, Essen Technology and Start Up Center
1992 to 1995 Project Manager Waste Management, City of Düsseldorf - Carsten studied chemical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein, 1987 to 1992 and he studied at the University of Massachusetts, Principles of Management in 1991.
Matthias Lisson
Managing Director Hy2gen Deutschland GmbH, Wiesbaden – Germany
Geschäftsführer Hy2gen Deutschland GmbH, Director D-A-CH Region for Hy2gen AG and i.a. Geschäftsführer Hy2gen Atlantis GmbH Matthias Lisson started his career in 2005 in an engineering office as process engineer, 2013 he joined TOTALEnergies and started the “energy services” activity of the group, as Managing Director he was in charge of activities in consulting, engineering, operations & maintenance and for turnkey projects for the group and for energy intensive clients. The seed of the 2013 energy services activity resulted in an international business unit with more than 600 employee and close to 0,5B€ turnover when he joined 2022 Hy2gen AG to concentrate on the energy he believes in: green hydrogen. Matthias took at Hy2gen the lead for Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as for México. As Country Director Matthias is in personal union also managing all subsidiaries activity in the D-A-CH area as Managing Director (“Geschäftsführer”) incl. Hy2gen Atlantis GmbH. He holds a diploma in process engineering and a master degree in energy- and environmental management.
Niclas Meier
Global Account Manager, AUCOTEC, Isernhagen – Germany
Niclas Meier is a studied economist who joined AUCOTEC in 2018 in the New Business department, which he led between 2020 and 2021. Since 2022, he has been the account manager for customers in the Process Industry. At the start of the latest fiscal year, Niclas Meier gained global responsibility for projects in the hydrogen business.
Peter Müller-Baum
Managing Director of VDMA Power-to-X for Applications, Frankfurt/M – Germany
Peter Müller-Baum studied civil engineering as well as business administration at the RWTH Aachen University, graduating as Engineer and Master of Business and Engineering.
He is with the VDMA since 2005 where he started as a consultant for the Cleaning Systems Association and as Managing Director Technical Affairs for the European association EUnited Cleaning.
In 2012, he became Deputy Managing Director, in 2014 Managing Director of VDMA Engines and Systems that represents the interests of German manufacturers of internal combustion engines for industrial applications and their suppliers.
Since 2013, Peter Müller-Baum is Secretary General of the International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC e.V.) where national associations and companies from the combustion engine industry from 27 countries are organized.
In addition, since December 2018 is Peter Müller-Baum also Managing Director of VDMA Power-to-X for Applications, the central platform for information, communication and cooperation for the P2X community, integrating all important stakeholders along the value chain.
Dr. Daniel Neumann
Principal at FEV Consulting and Head of Strategy Department at FEV Energy, Cologne – Germany
Daniel Neumann started his career in the chemical process industry in 2012.
In 2015 he started his PhD at RWTH Aachen University in cooperation with the FEV Group. Since 2019 he is responsible for the energy business at FEV Consulting. Since 2024, he additionally serves as the head of strategy department at FEV Energy.
Dr. Markus Ostermeier
Managing Director, ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions, Schweitenkirchen – Germany
After completing his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich in 2009, Dr. Markus Ostermeier started his industrial career at MAN Diesel & Turbo in Augsburg. There he held several positions in the power plant sector. Among other things, he was Assistant to the Executive Board and Business Development Manager of the Power Plants Business Unit. From 2016 to 2018, Dr. Markus Ostermeier was responsible for product development at Electrochaea, a startup for biological methanation. Before founding the startup ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions GmbH together with his brother in 2020, he held various roles at the startups Jolt Energy Ltd. and CM Fluids AG. Today, he dedicates himself full-time to the topic of hydrogen. Together with his brother and his team he develops all-in-one solutions for local energy autonomy, year-round 24/7.
Christian Perplies
Business Development Manager Hydrogen Technology, FEST GmbH, Dresden – Germany
Christian Perplies is a seasoned professional in business engineering with extensive experience in project management, sales, business development, and renewable energy. He has held key roles at JENOPTIK, VON Ardenne, and Linde Engineering, demonstrating expertise in managing complex projects, driving sales, and developing strategic business initiatives. His work in renewable energy highlights his commitment to sustainable solutions and innovation.
Paul Reinicke
Senior Engineer Hybrid ICE and Low Carbon Fuels, IAV GmbH, Berlin – Germany
Paul Reinicke started his career 2008 at IAV in Berlin, Germany, as test engineer in the powertrain advanced development division. During the last 16 years he worked in various advanced combustion system development projects, specializing to sustainable ICE concepts.
Dr. Christian Renk
Head of Technology, Innovation & Sustainability OU Fertilizer, thyssenkrupp uhde, Dortmund – Germany
- Studied process engineering at the University of Karlsruhe – now KIT (1998-2003)
- Subsequent doctorate at the Karlsruhe Research Centre (2003-2008)
- After completing his doctorate, moved to Australia, where he worked as an engineer from 2008-2014
- Since 2014 with Uhde in various roles. For over four years in the current role as Head of Technology, Innovation & Sustainability Fertiliser i the Operating Uni Fertilizer
Frank Sonnenschein
Global Business Development Manager, Versiv composites Ltd – Ireland
After earning his University diploma in engineering, Frank Sonnenschein began his career at Ford Motor Company in 2006. He then served as a project lead for transmission development at General Motors in Germany before becoming an Application Engineer for seals at SKF Sealing Solutions and Federal Mogul. In 2014, he joined Garlock as a Product Manager. In 2018, he transitioned to Saint-Gobain as a Business Development Manager for Hydrogen and Diaphragms. Since November 2023, Frank has been with Versiv Composites, focusing primarily on renewable energy initiatives.
Jörg Starr
Chief Engineer Hydrogen, GP JOULE Hydrogen, Reußenköge – Germany
With 30 years of experience in the automotive industry (Daimler & Audi), Jörg Starr has built a solid background as an expert in hydrogen mobility. His passion and knowledge contributed to developing and pushing innovative solutions in the field of hydrogen technologies. In addition, Jörg Starr has been Chairman at the Clean Energy Partnership since 2019. This strong industry partnership follows the goal of establishing green mobility with hydrogen and fuel cells across the board. In his current position at GP JOULE Group, Jörg Starr focuses on the development of hydrogen filling station infrastructures. His work is aimed at advancing the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen mobility and shaping a sustainable energy future.
Dr. Manfred Stefener
General Manager & President, Freudenberg e-Power Systems, Munich – Germany
Dr. Manfred Stefener joined Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Global, Weinheim (Germany) as VP Lead Center Fuel Cell Systems in 2018. Prior to that he lead Elcomax / Elcore, Munich (Germany) which he founded in 2006. Dr. Stefener completed his PhD on the subject “Electrode Structures for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells“ at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. He is author of numerous patents and publications in DMFC technology and fuel cells and received several awards for pioneering the commercialization of fuel cells and for entrepreneurship.
Ted Straten
VP Strategy & New Business, Bosal, Lummen – Belgium
Ted Straten graduated from the University of Eindhoven in combustion engine technology within Mechanical Engineering; started his career in the Maritime sector at Stork-Wärtsilä in 1992, joined DAF Trucks in 1998 to lead exhaust aftertreatment development for HD trucks; worked for the global HD off-road sector at TNO to reduce powertrain emissions and joined Bosal in 2012, now responsible for strategy and new businesses.
Martin Weiss
Managing Director, CYTOK GmbH, Rostock – Germany
Martin Weiss began his professional career in 2001 at a Siemens in the automation and electrical engineering division. From the mid-2000s, he worked at SEAR GmbH in the field of large-scale power plant construction, followed by functions as head of department in the field of renewable energies and power plant technology. Since 2020, he has moved into management positions in the power-to-gas sector with a focus on methanation. He is co-founder and managing director of CYTOK GmbH since 2023.
Manfred Wörl
Vice President, SBD Industrial Decarbonization, ABB AG Mannheim – Germany
Manfred Wörl launched his career at the Degussa Group as a software engineer. He subsequently held positions at Mannesmann and Alstom, primarily in the global aviation industry, where he was instrumental in project planning and execution for conveyor systems. He has held various management positions at ABB AG since 1999. After his last role as Global Account Manager for the BASF business relationship, he took over a strategic business development role at the beginning of 2022, focusing on new fields of activity in the context of industrial decarbonization.
Dr. Steffen Wieland
CEO, Business Excellence Solutions, Ortenberg – Germany
Steffen Wieland has nowadays 28 years experience in hydrogen and fuel cells. 1996 he started with a PhD at the Daimer research center. In the 2000 he was building up the stationary fuel cell department at Buderus/BOSCH. In the years that followed, he held various high-level positions in the automotive and tier 1 industry. In 2008 he built up a Start-Up Company and since 2018 he is owner of a Consulting company also doing Business Development for hydrogen related companies.
Steffen hold an MSc. in mechanical engineering, a PhD in chemical engineering and an Executive MBA from the HSG St. Gallen and RWTH Aachen.
Christoph Zahn
Sales Manager, Electrolyzer, Cummins, Oevel – Belgium
After his degree in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration from RWTH Aachen university, Christoph has spent his professional life in Sales Roles in the energy industry for various power generation applications.
Christoph joined Accelera by Cummins in 2022 and is now responsible for Electrolyzers Sales in the German speaking markets.
Sebastian Hillebrand
Director in the Organizational Effectiveness practice at Oliver Wyman
Sebastian Hillebrand, Director in the Organizational Effectiveness practice at Oliver in Berlin. For the past 15 years Sebastian has been specializing in accelerating complex strategy- transformation- and innovation projects that require the expertise, active engagement and buy-in of large groups of stakeholders and experts. Sebastian Hillebrand studied Business Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner
Professor for Energy Storage at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg) and one of the heads of the Research Center for Energy Networks and Energy Storage (FENES).
Sterner was born in Passau. After an apprenticeship in the electrical trade and the Technical Baccalaureate, he was in the development service in Kenya from 1998 to 2000. From 200 to 2005 he studied mechatronics at the OTH Regensburg, before that technical computer science at the HS Augsburg; he did several internships and theses on solar energy and energy economics in Spain and Chile; KAS vocational college for international politics and economics, several scholarships. From 2005 to 2007 Master’s degree in Renewable Energy at the University of Oldenburg and work on biomass in India and at the German Biomass Research Institute in Leipzig. From 2007 to 2011 he was scientific advisor for Prof. Dr. Schmid at the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). 2009 PhD in electrical engineering at the University of Kassel. From 2007 to 2012, collaboration and management of the research group Energy Economics and Systems Analysis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) in Kassel. Since 2012 professor for energy storage and renewable energies at the OTH Regensburg. Michael Sterner is married and has three children.